Pill bottle made of paper

Pill bottle made of paper
It is called Tully Tube and is the first compostable paper medicine bottle that has achieved ...

Oceanic plastic in kitchen accessories

Oceanic plastic in kitchen accessories
German family-owned company Horl, which came up with the innovative rotary knife sharpener for ...

Recycled PET filament

Recycled PET filament
Filament made of 100% recycled PET, composed of 50% post-consumer industrial recycled ...

Banana fiber material

Banana fiber material
Material made from the waste of banana plants, specifically the stem of the plant that is cut ...

New uses for wood waste

New uses for wood waste
Called Briket, the new stool designed by Swiss designer Renaud Defrancesco centered around ...

Abaca material

Abaca material
Material made of 100% abaca pulp, that is molded by hand carved blocks, slowly dried and die ...