The circular economy applied to the furniture product was the topic of the third meeting that took place on 03 November at the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome and was attended by the Honourable Fabio Porta, Gianni Lattanzio of Ambientevivo, Alessio Gnaccarini of COSMOB S.p.A. and our CEO Marco Capellini. The meeting was an opportunity to present benchmark data based on the measurement of the circularity of over 300 products belonging to different types of furniture, carried out by Matrec using the CircularTool.
As the furniture sector is of significant interest for the Made in Italy design, a series of activities were also identified to be carried out in the coming months with the support of national legislative bodies, in order to encourage a wider involvement of companies in the sector towards circular economy models.
Particularly appreciated by the participants and the press present was the speech by Hon. Porta, who emphasised that “applying the principles of ecodesign to products in order to assess circularity means arriving at quantitative and measurable results. Companies need to understand operationally and economically how to put principles and guidelines on the ground”.
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