Euclid: the first platform to measure the circularity for arts and craft furniture products

Euclid: the first platform to measure the circularity for arts and craft furniture products

We are excited to have won the Friend CCI by Euro Cluster call for proposals promoted by the European Union with the Euclid project.
Euclid is a digital platform with objective of mentoring, supporting and providing design culture to SMEs in arts and crafts design sector, to apply circular design strategies as required by ESPR.
The digital platform is characterised by a qualitative assessment path divided into four main phases of furniture product life cycle. For each phase, the SME is assisted to indicate the environmental characteristics of product design to be realised (or already realised), in terms of qualitative KPIs:
– choice of materials,
– production process,
– use,
– end of life.

During the evaluation phase, supporting and in-depth information is provided for each KPI to help SMEs learn and acquire know-how about circular design.
The KPIs will mainly refer to the design specifications in Art. 5 of the ESPR.
Euclid is intended to be a tool to help creative and craft furniture SMEs to:
– acquire knowledge about the environmental characteristics of materials and products,
– begin a step-by-step approach towards the design of circular products,
– apply resource-efficient strategies for materials and processes,
– become more competitive internationally.

Euclid’s project partners are: Matrec, Zakaria Khalfaoui Studio, Scatolificio SMS and Ironda.