In Italy, the Ministry of Ecological Transition has published the document on the national strategy for the circular economy.
This is an update of the strategic lines identified with the previous document published in 2017, which defined the country’s strategic positioning on the topic, consistent with the commitments adopted within the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, within the G7 and the European Union.
The new strategy will also cover the following areas of intervention: eco-design and product innovation, bio-economy, blue economy, critical raw materials.
The main measures introduced are
- a new digital waste traceability system that can allow, on the one hand, the development of a market for secondary raw materials and, on the other hand, the control and prevention of illegal waste management phenomena;
– the development of tax incentive systems to support the use of materials from recycling chains;
– a revision of the taxation system to make recycling cheaper than landfilling;
– the promotion of the right to reuse and repair;
– the reform of EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) systems and Consortia to support the achievement of EU targets;
– strengthening existing regulatory instruments (End of Waste legislation, Minimum Environmental Criteria) and applying them to strategic sectors: construction, textiles, plastics, WEEE;
– supporting the development of industrial symbiosis projects, also through regulatory and financial instruments.