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With the ever-evolving regulatory framework and Institutions increasingly focused on respect for the environment to be included as a strategy in the conduct of their business, many companies, both large, medium and small, are taking the opportunity to challenge their business models and work on the need to be able to interpret this change as an opportunity.

Knowing how to innovate the logic with which an organization creates its competitive advantage is of fundamental importance. In recent years, across all product sectors, many virtuous examples have emerged that, using different leverages, have built their circular economy strategies.

The five pillars indicated by the European Commission have served as a guideline for the definition of opportunities for companies, which have implemented new models that include strategies for the use of sustainable inputs, extension of the useful life of products, sharing, product as a service and finally end-of-life management through recycling of resources.

The report collects some Case Studies of companies that have been able to rethink in a circular economy key and develop important projects through R&D for new processes and products, choice of materials, industrial symbiosis, definition of medium and long term objectives and reorganization of their model overcoming the concept of linear economy.

The trends presented in this publication are a short selection of all trends present in the MATREC International Observatory.

Publication reserved for Business and Executive subscribers.